Paper Dolls Presents: Teresa Kohnle

Teresa Kohnle

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Vital Statistics
Marital Status:Single

Hey there! My name is Teresa. Southern born and raised. I have grown children who I love wholeheartedly. I naturally have a positive attitude and love to laugh. I have a passion for learning about any and everything. I find great interest in topics unknown to me. Typically, you'll find me outdoors around water, even when frozen. I love to travel and experience life in new ways, making as many memories as possible along the way.

As I still have some time to serve, I'm seeking lasting, nonjudgmental friendships to help me get through this tough time. I enjoy good conversation, and I'm open to potentially romantic relationships. I love a good greeting card. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Feel free to contact me on JPay. Don't forget the reply stamp. Smiley Face  Or you can write to me at the address below.

You can write to me at:

Teresa Kohnle
1000435970 E4-A
P.O. Box 839
Pulaski State Prison
Hawkinsville, GA 31036-0839