Paper Dolls Presents: Sharon Shaw

Sharon Shaw

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Vital Statistics
Hair:Strawberry blonde/red
Marital Status:Single

My name is Sharon, they call me Shay. I am looking for friends and possible fun. I have a little more time left on my sentence to do still, so I am seeking someone who will ride it out with me. I am a Gemini, which means I am spicy, highly creative, and I like to be spoiled. I spend my free time listening to music, drawing, and working out. My favorite color is red. My best friend is my dog, Nyla. She is a Pitbull. I love her so much. I miss walking and cuddling with her more then I can explain. I hope to meet you/write you soon. Peace, Love, and Happiness.

You can email/message me on the GTL "connect network".

You can write to me at:

Sharon Shaw Y26851
P.O. Box 3066
Decatur, IL 62524