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| Single white female, 60, I'm energetic and playful. I have a great sense of humor and a need for adventure. I love roller coasters. My favorite was the Beast of Kings Island. I think static electricity is hilarious. I tend to think outside the box. I love to read. I mostly read suspense and mysteries, but I will read any genre except romance. And for that matter, I don't like romantic movies. Don't get me wrong, romance is great, but movies and books tend to go overboard. I like wildflowers and my favorite color is purple. Johnny Appleseed had it all figured out. I love to cook, but my cooking talents are limited here. Oh! But I do love a challenge! I am really not a fan of winter. I will answer all inquiries to this ad unless I deem you crazy! I really do not want to be your thesis or dissertation! Write me on JPay or at the address below. Only white paper, white envelopes, and black or blue ink. No stickers, glue or glitter. That includes address labels. You must include your name and address on the envelope or I will not receive your mail. Seriously, I will not receive it! You can write to me at: Lilly Stanton 267164 K.C.I.W. 3000 Ash Ave Pewee Valley, KY 40056 |