Paper Dolls Presents: Kimberly Scott

Kimberly Scott

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Vital Statistics
Marital Status:Widow
Kids:1 grown son

Wanted - single white male, age 45-65, that enjoys anything outdoors, and football, and can appreciate a woman that loves to cook, and likes intelligent conversation on anything from current events to gardening. I am a very open-minded, versatile person, and if you would like to become better acquainted, then I look forward to hearing from you soon. Keep in mind that I don't look nor act lie an average middle-aged woman. I love to stay busy, all the while, utilizing my wonderful sense of humor, and adventure, which accompanies my deep compassion, loyalty, trustworthiness, and undying optimism.

You can write to me at:

Kimberly Scott
454229 10B-18
480 Green Chapel Road
Henning, TN 38041