Paper Dolls Presents: Jermeka Gorham

Jermeka Gorham

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Vital Statistics
Hair:Ashy brown
Eyes:Dark brown
Marital Status:Single

My name is Jermeka Gorham. Everyone calls me Meka. I am 38 years old. I'm Haitian, Japanese, and Cherokee. I also have a little bit of other things in me. I like to draw, sing, rap, write music, do hair, and design clothing. I have a strong passion for cooking and cleaning. I have a little boy that I adore very much.

I was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. I like to travel and camp. I love the outdoors. I am a very strong people person. I'm looking for someone who has their head on their shoulders and not just a sexual thing. Someone between the age of 30 or older. Race is nothing. Smiley Face

You can write to me at:

Jermeka Gorham 1380932
Fluvanna Corr. Ctr. for Women
P.O. Box 1000
Troy, VA 22974