Paper Dolls Presents: Emma Kusak

Emma Kusak

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Vital Statistics
Hair:Dirty blonde
Marital Status:Single

My name is Emma Kusak and I'm currently incarcerated at Florence McClure Women's Correctional Center, located in Las Vegas, NV. I'm into a 11 to 27.5 year sentence for second degree murder. I'm 19 years old, and, needless to say, I have a long road ahead of me. I'm looking for someone I can bond and vibe with, who's easy to talk to about anything under the sun.

Some days are hard in here, especially with my lengthy sentence and I want someone who can support me through that. I'm bisexual and very open to all different kinds of relationships. I'm super easygoing and lots of fun to talk to. I just want someone to keep time with, as I don't have very much outside support.

I'm super blunt and honest about how I feel. I have so much to learn and I enjoy intellectual conversations with people who have lots of knowledge and wisdom. I graduated high school before I committed my crime and am looking to expand my education.

I have many things I strive to achieve. I'm laid back and not very specific on what I'm looking for, but I am super open minded.

I'm in need of financial support in here, if that's something you're capable of providing.

Write me a letter or shoot me your number through this website so we can get to know each other!

You can write to me at:

Emma Kusak 1288423
4370 Smiley Rd
Las Vegas, NV 89115

Until 3-18-25