Paper Dolls Presents: Dianna Marr

Dianna Marr

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Vital Statistics
Marital Status:Single

Hello, my name is Dianna. I was born and raised in Florida, but Go Steelers! I love pro and college football. My college team is Florida State. Go Noles! I love to draw, especially lettering. Prior to coming to prison, I worked a lot and took care of my household. I did find time for movies, Marvel, action, and comedies being my favorites. I'm a huge Marvel fan, but I also enjoy some DC. Now I read a lot more suspense and SciFi/Fantasy. I love tattoos. I have almost complete sleeves. My goals are to learn to speak Spanish, get my CDL, and take entrepreneurship classes. I eventually want to be self-employed. Not sure if that is going to be driving truck or owning my own shop, either tattoo or consignment. I'm looking for friendships, but am open to more serious relations. Hopefully, I piqued your interest. If so, I would love to hear from you.

You can write to me at:

Dianna Marr
S40947 A223U
P.O. Box 23608
Tampa, FL 33623