Paper Dolls Presents: Cynthia Phillips

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Vital Statistics
Marital Status:Single

Hi, my name is Cindy. I'm a high spirited country girl in a sad and lonely place. I am bi-sexual and would love to have a friend of any sex or age to help put a little brightness and hope into a otherwise gloomy day. I'm an open minded girl in the process of proving that I'm innocent and will hopefully soon be a lot closer to you to talk and play. I guarantee lots of fun and interesting conversations. I am definitely the girl you've been looking for. I CAN BE EMAILED THROUGH JPAY BY USING MY NAME AND #02091008 BUT I HAVE TO RESPOND ONLY THRU REG MAIL. SO PLEASE REMEMBER TO GIVE ME YOUR MAILING ADDRESS!!!

For regular mail my address is below.

You can write to me at:

Cynthia Phillips 02091008
P.O. Box 660400
Dallas, TX 75266-0400