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| Hi! My name is Candic, but everyone calls me Candy. Yes, it is because I'm as sweet as can be! I'm looking for something real and long-lasting. My favorite qualities in a person are loyalty, honesty, and someone who knows how to have a good time! Is that you? I love to enjoy life! Mudd Drags, off-road 4-wheeling, and hunting are my extreme hobbies and things that keep me centered. I am most definitely a Red Neck at heart! I'm currently in Beauty School with goals to obtain my cosmetology license, but my heart lives outdoors and at the beach! I also enjoy meeting new people, so let's talk soon! Add me to to email me directly through the prison messaging system, but if you email me here include your email so I can add you. Also, feel free to write me at the address below. You can write to me at: Candic Linton 16592870 CCCF 24499 SW Grahams Ferry Road Wilsonville, OR 97070 |