Paper Dolls Presents: Alicia Dumal

Alicia Dumal

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Vital Statistics
Marital Status:Never Married

Hi, my name is Alicia. I am looking for a male friend. I am not with anyone. That ended 4 years ago on bad circumstances. Was in a 13-year relationship. I've never been legally married. I have no kids. I like to go boating. Absolutely love the water. Another passion of mine is dogs. I love my bully's. You can look me up on Facebook for more pictures, if you like, under Alicia Piedra and Alicia Dumal. My personality is more on the quiet side. I don't like big crowds nor am I a rowdy person. More so laidback and shy.

To contact me, you can download the app AND JPay app. Securus HAS to be downloaded on your phone in order to write me through the app, or you can write to me at the address below. Hope to hear from you soon!

You can write to me at:

Alicia Dumal Y39040
P.O. Box 23608
Tampa, FL 33623